Should You Really Start a Fund?

Should You Really Start a Fund?

We get potential clients who reach out to us every week who want to start a fund. While we could simply take their money and set them up with fund offering documents, we actually talk a lot of people out of doing a fund. Why? Because they don’t have the necessary...
SEC Updates & Multi-Family Syndication Trends

SEC Updates & Multi-Family Syndication Trends

In our December 2020 free educational webinar, attorney Kim Lisa Taylor provided details of recent SEC actions and proposals that have positive implications for capital raisers. Unfortunately, we encountered technical difficulties with the recording of the webinar....
Debt vs. Equity Offerings

Debt vs. Equity Offerings

Finding it difficult or confusing to understand the difference between debt and equity financing? Simply stated, debt securities are loans that pay out interest over time, while equity securities confer ownership in a company (think about this in terms of the equity...