What is a Minimum/Maximum Raise?

The minimum is the absolute minimum amount a syndicator can raise from investors and still be able to close, meaning you are not collecting an acquisition fee or getting reimbursed for pre-closing expenses, and may not have all the capital improvement budget raised...

Reaffirming an Investor’s Accreditation

Question: Can an investor that invested with us before in a Rule 506 Offering complete a re-affirmation letter in lieu of getting re-verified as an accredited investor if they want to invest in our current Rule 506(c) Offering? Answer: Investors can sign a...

How do I Invest in a Rule 506(c) Offering?

Want to invest in a Rule 506(c) offering? Here is what you must do:  In order to claim the Rule 506(c) exemption, the issuer of the securities you want to purchase must be able to demonstrate they took “reasonable steps” to ensure that all investors are...